There are so many considerations around making our workspaces usable, comfortable, and safe from Covid-19. People distancing, sanitizing, touchless, contactless… these are all the buzz words in interior spaces right now.
In a previous blog we spoke about the need for human contact and how, in a world that requires distance, we need to find ways to stay connected.
One of the areas we recognize as vital for business, is the need to meet and the need for consultation. Although, in admin-based business, probably 80% of all work can be done remotely and in isolation, there will always be a need for real life meetings. Just think of scenarios where documents must be signed, or people need to connect in real, physical space. There is and will always be a need to meet in person. As we have said before: “people do business with people”.
Seeing this need, we created the B-POD.

The B-POD is a collaborative effort by two companies, Ignition marketing and Next Workspace Interiors and the mix of design input and marketing input is just the right recipe for a practical, clever and attractive product that answers one of the most difficult questions we have in the workplace right now :how do people meet, safely and comfortably, with zero contact? B-POD is the answer.

B-POD is laid out in a way that allows the visitor and host to each enter separately and from opposite ends without contact, while allowing a face to face conversation and consolation. The B-POD allows a comfortable, relaxed, seated meeting to take place with zero risk.
The interior can be fitted with all the accessories needed for a meeting; TV screen with media player, lighting, sky lights, sanitizers, writing walls, writing boards, frames for marketing info, privacy decals, signage and branding… and any other useful item one can dream up.

When the meeting is over the B-POD interior can be fully cleaned and sanitized.
Because the B-POD is economically designed, it only takes up 5 square meters, making it economical in its footprint. The attractive look of the B-POD makes it an easy visual fit with any existing environment. A range of colours and timbers make it customizable to fit with any interior aesthetic.
If you would like more info on the amazing B-POD, get in touch with either Next Workspace Interiors or Ignition Marketing and let us help you with your ideal meeting space solution.