Are you considering creating a smaller office?
Read our BLOG-SNIPPET on what changes are needed in order to facilitate this.
Downsizing forces change. Some changes that might be required to free up some space are:
Companies may be forced to consider a proper move towards the paperless environment. This means that an investment in technology might be required.
Automation of some business systems will assist with freeing up resources. Automation requires technology and this can come with a price.
Behavioral changes will be required of staff; how we engage and use our space is required to change when we are faced with sacrificing a dedicated desk or an enclosed/cellular office. Stepping into a phone booth for privacy or taking a walk for a private call, eating lunch at a dedicated breakaway zone instead of at our desks, sharing a print station with the entire team, sharing storage, being mindful of a strict meeting room booking system.
These are just some of the possible changes we might need to make when moving to a downsized application of space.
Want to know more? Read our full blog: THE downsized OFFICE. What to expect.